Eugene Edward Hughes
September 21, 1939 - January 25, 2021
September 21, 1939 - January 25, 2021
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of wise people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether be a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you knew Gene you know that he LOVED music. He was a romantic at heart and very sentimental. Music was a great outlet and joy for him. He drove around town playing his favorite tunes way up high. Below are some of his favorites, enjoy while you browse this page.
Gene's Daughter, Son-in-law, and Grandsons
Gene's Sister
One of Gene's Dearest Friends
Gene's Niece
Gene's Brother and Dear Friend
Eugene “Gene” Edward Hughes, 81, went to his heavenly home on January 25, 2021. He was welcomed by his parents, two precious children, countless family members, several of his friends and golfing buddies, and most importantly His Lord and Savior.
Gene was born to the late R.E. and Evelyn Hughes, a farmer and a homemaker, in Stamford, TX on September 21, 1939. He grew up in Avoca, Texas along with his brother Raymond Allen, and Theresa Ann. He and his siblings grew up attending Avoca Baptist Church, and it was there that Gene heard and received the good news of the Gospel.
Gene loved basketball, along with his brother and went on to play basketball at Cisco Junior College, where he graduated with his Associates in Biology. He spent some time in the Air Force after college before moving to Lake Isabella, California in 1965 to take a job with Automatic Electric.
In 1967, Gene met JoAnn Thomas, a telephone operator in Bishop, California who would become his lifelong sweetheart and dearest companion for almost 54 years. They married on May 28, 1967 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada and settled down in Bishop California. Gene’s love of telephony and his career of 33 years began with California Interstate Telephone which became Contel Telephone, and finally through many mergers became Verizon. On Feb 1, 1977 they welcomed their daughter, Stephanie Ann and shortly after moved to Granbury, Texas. Gene continued to work for Verizon until he retired in 1995 with 33 years of service. After retirement Gene continued as a contractor with ADC-Datel and then taking various jobs in his line of work. In 2011, he began helping his daughter and son-in-law as the manager of Blue Lion Storage. In 2009, his grandson, Parker Ellis was born, followed in 2012 by Carson Michael, and in 2015 by Cole Isaiah. Gene has spent his days since retirement, along with JoAnn, happily in the company of his grandsons and family. He was blessed with a loving family who adores him.
Gene was a people lover at heart. He was outgoing and witty, full of love and care for those in need. He had truly never met a stranger. Whether it was his friends from his school days, the friends from telephone days, his golfing buddies, or the guys he had breakfast with each week, he was a faithful and true friend. He is dearly missed by his loved ones, who, though hurting from such an incredible loss, celebrate the fact that he is finally home with his Heavenly Father.
Gene is survived by his wife, JoAnn; his daughter Stephanie and husband Mike Kirk. Grandsons, Turner, Walker, Parker, Carson, and Cole and Great-Grandson Jack, brother Raymond Hughes and sister Theresa Baucum. He is preceded in death by his parents; and his children, Crystal Ann and Brenton Wesley.
Gene’s final resting place will be at Acton Cemetery in Granbury, Texas. A celebration of life will be held at a later time due to the current health climate. Donations can be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in lieu of flowers.
"The Beaty’s sure do love him. Especially Parker’s rides in the “go-go”.
-Janelle B.
"He always had the sweetest smile when I drove past him on the golf cart!"
-Mallory W.
"Gene was a good man, he leaves a great legacy. Heaven gets a good one!"
-Gloria M.
" I know Geno-beano is in heaven looking after all his favorite rascals"
-Kena S.
"Gene was a precious man who loved his grandsons so well. "
-Lee Ann S.
"One of the best men I know."
-Sean G.
"Gene was a gem. He will be missed by many. He has been like another dad to me."
-Heather Y.
"He was a pure joy to be around. Love him and will miss him"
-Melisa H.
"One of a kind... always laughing, always joking, always sharing a smile. I still can’t believe it."
-Courtney O.
"Gene was a wonderfully sweet man with a bigger than life personality and such a sweet heart that loved his family. He will be sorely missed"
-Linda P.
"I loved Gene dearly. He was such a sweet, funny man."
-Pam H.
"Gene was a great man and has a special place in my heart. Who will talk about my dimples?"
-Erin B.
"He was such a dear sweet man and loved Steph and JoAnn soooo much"
-Carrie G.
"We always enjoyed seeing and joking with Gene and JoAnn. He was a big hearted truly good man."
-Kellah B.
"I love him and I am so blessed to have known him. He loved so big!
-Karly M.
"Gene was so much fun to be around and what an amazing man"
-Kim J.
"Gene was so full of love, life, laughter and energy! What a beautiful man and he loved his family"
-Lara W.
"Always laughing, loving, and happy. Big as life. Bragging about his boys. Always a friend. Fly high Gene"
-Gail H.
"I never saw him without a smile on his face and a kind word to say."
-Lauralea B.
"We loved Gene! Always smiling, hauling those boys around. He was so very proud!! A true joy"
-Elizabeth B.
"Gene had such a kind soul"
-Carmen M.
"I so enjoyed visiting with him everyday at school. He always had a funny story or good music to share"
-Debby O
"Gene was one of a kind! A sweet and fun loving soul. I am sure he is cutting up with Dave and Frank"
-Stacy D.
"Can't even think of this world without him. A huge influence he has on those boys. Love and miss him"
-Mona N.
"He always took the time to talk to me when I ran into him at the driving range! Always Smiling"
-Michael M.
"I always remember thinking so highly of him. I was just sure he was a former President"
-Katy K.
"Pawpaw will be missed at CCA!
-Carmen D.
"Gene was such a special man - to know him was to love him"
-Maggie B
"Gene was a truly good man. He made the world a better place"
-Lauren R.
"A man with a big heart that gave so much to so many. He will be missed"
-Shelly E.
"We loved Gene. He was such a good man, husband and father. "
-Emily B.
"Gene was just so precious and was such a light beam when I got to be around him"
-Melissa W.
"There are some people that you meet in life that you have a sudden bond with and your sweet Gene was a true gem"
-Alice J
"We lost such a great person, loving husband, Dad and Grandpa"
-Theresa F.
"Gene was an amazing man. I can still see his smiling face and the joy he had being with loved ones"
-Kelly L.
"I had the great opportunity to meet and visit with Gene when I moved to Granbury last year. He had an amazing spirit - very happy heart - and just genuinely made me feel welcome and at home. I'd say I was pretty lucky to meet him"
-Amanda C.
"The first time I met Gene he came to visit Larry and I at our home in Andrews, TX. He was working out there. Larry and I had been married just a few weeks. He talked as he swung a golf club in the living room. I thought as he stood there and he and Larry reminisced about Telephone, what a special man and friend he was to Larry. Many times over the years, we visited on the phone, in person and for over a year lived close by. I considered Gene and Joann best friends of mine. He and Larry were as close as brothers and often called each other lovingly “brother”. Gene always spoke with a twinkle of love in his eye of his Stephanie, and later his grandsons. Larry and I had 2 children and Gene and JoJo loved them. Gene loved to take them on the golf cart to feed the ducks. He and Larry would laugh and play tricks with them. I will miss his calls, his voice, his laughter and his jokes. The way he said my name, I can hear in my head. My heart hurts, but I know he is in a place that is more glorious than I can imagine. Hugs to his beautiful wife and family. I love you Gene!"
-Kelly Murphree
"I was blessed and fortunate to be a part of Gene and his family's life for over 40 years. We loved each other as brothers and shared everything. We traveled and worked many telephone jobs together and followed each others careers. Even after retiring we kept in touch by phone and visits to his home.There are many funny stories to tell. I will share just a few. Traveling together one time Gene was trying to stop smoking but everywhere we stopped he would offer 25 cents for a cigarette from the other phone guys.Finishing up for the day and heading back to our room I ask if he would stop at the store. I bought a pack of cigarettes and told him when he wanted one to let me know. I might as well make the money. AND WE LAUGHED Gene invited me to his house to play a weekend of golf where I met JoAnn and Stephanie. We played 18 holes Friday and 36 holes Saturday. Sitting at his kitchen table that afternoon I asked if they would like to sell their stove.I don't remember what they said or the looks but I told them I was starving and since they didn't use it I would buy it. We went out to eat. AND WE LAUGHED. At Stephs wedding dinner Gene found time to come to my table to check on me and ask how the food was. I said its great and fixing to get some dessert. He asked me if I would use my same plate cause the catering company charged by the plate. AND WE LAUGHED. My heart is broken for my friend and his family. He was truly larger than life and you seldom gain a friend like Gene. God has him now and someday soon WE WILL LAUGH AGAIN."
-Larry Murphree
Gene Hughes Memorial
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